Experientia, Faith

The One Who Is Worth Waiting For

I recently heard God described as  ‘Atodurode’ – The One Who is Worth Waiting For. It wasn’t just the depth of language that drew me in but the testimony of that name – in my life and those around me. It’s exciting to know that God is One and All. He is both the God of Love and Vengeance. Both the Lion and the Lamb. Capable of being whoever He chooses to be without being anything other than Himself. In this case, He is the God who is never late and the one who is worth waiting for. Such oxymoron. Such humor. Such character.

God is the Ancient of Days and we must learn to walk at His pace. He can’t be rushed. We shouldn’t run ahead of Him and be far behind Him.

This speaks of our need for patience in our walk with God but more than that, it speaks of learning the rhythm of His pace.  Yet, we struggle as humans to wait. In fact, patience seems to be against our nature, as things must happen in our own time, according to our own purpose.

Only if we recognize that if God is making you wait for anything, it is definitely worth the wait. He is much more of a master planner, paying attention to every details of our life and waiting for that perfect moment. He’s particular about His resources (time) and even though He doesn’t run out, He’d never waste it. God will never make you wait in vain.

‭Isaiah 40:31 NKJV‬
[31] But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

It’s clear across scriptures, the importance and benefits of waiting. From character formation to the forging of strong faith, moment of self-imposed withdrawal and desperate heart petitions – waiting seasons are many times, needed stretches of faith. However, we are distressed because we really do not know what we need and have a myopic lens for viewing our lives.

Never forget that God thinks and acts in eternity. If you’ve watched the movie, ‘Breathe of Life’ which has such a beautiful storyline, maybe you’d understand this better. God can hold off on your supposed needs within a season, not just for you but for generations to come. Not out of a dislike for you, but to fulfill his purpose through you. It’s important to understand that while you’re important to God, you’re not the grandest thing after sliced bread. God’s plan and purpose is. Therefore, to find our own fulfillment, we must have our desires and needs tied back to His.

Other times, we make choices based on who we are right now. While God seeks to make provisions for who you will become – based on His foreknowledge of you. Yup, it’s why that relationship may not work sis.
When he was making a covenant with Abraham, he was thinking of Jesus, thousands of years later. As humans, our visions are flawed and they’re sharpened in waiting.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9 NKJV‬

So how do we wait for the one who is worth waiting for? I believe it’s to firstly recognize his sovereignty and our frailty – he’s the main character to be honest. If you’re anything like me, trying to speed up the waiting season by making crazy decisions just extended the timeframe. So learn to call the doctor – pray!

Before you make one peep of an effort to solve your own problem or hire a human agency, pray

Also, rest while you wait. This is the point all hell breaks loose for us humans but see: 

For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not… ‭

Isaiah 30:15

To rest or be still doesn’t imply laziness. In fact, it’s to refrain from a frenzy of activities, indulgence or fear, to be quiet enough in His presence to get the next nudge. Imagine waiting for someone (to help you) and still leaving them behind!

Lastly, obey! Sometimes, instructions to act are given during the waiting season. God may be asking you to invest in knowledge, practice, and change certain things in preparation. This doesn’t mean the wait is over, it means to act with expectancy, with the spirit of waiting, and of complete reliance on God.

For since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, Nor has the eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for Him. Isaiah 64:4

God is worth waiting for; to help, teach, lead, direct, restore, comfort, bless, increase, change, empower, revive, purify, heal, and to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think of Him. He is absolutely worth waiting for and he never disappoints.

I’d love to hear from you! Kindly share your greatest lessons from a waiting season in the comment section. It’d definitely bless someone.

1 thought on “The One Who Is Worth Waiting For”

  1. Good morning Anu.

    I will be brief with this, but you’re doing a wonderful job.

    This speaks volumesssssss!

    Thank you for putting this out, really ministered to me.

    I pray God strengthens me to be able to wait.


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