Experientia, Faith

The One Who Is Worth Waiting For

I recently heard God described as  ‘Atodurode’ - The One Who is Worth Waiting For. It wasn't just the depth of language that drew me in but the testimony of that name - in my life and those around me. It's exciting to know that God is One and All. He is both the God… Continue reading The One Who Is Worth Waiting For

BabyGirl, Faith

The One About Excuses – Moses

We've shared lessons about several women in scripture—Rahab, Jael, Mary, Martha, and others. But it's a different excitement and consolation sharing some interesting similarities with a patriarch of faith, Moses. As much as Moses was a renowned prophet of God and led the children of Israel for about 40 years, he had moments of weakness… Continue reading The One About Excuses – Moses

Faith, ruminations

Musings on Navigating Adulthood- Adaptability

Originally a journal entry, I am now sharing this post because I want to hear from you. At every point you agree with or have a counter-thought, please hold on to it and share it in the comment section. Recently realized my uncanny obsession with stability and the status quo. I like things predictable. I… Continue reading Musings on Navigating Adulthood- Adaptability


Zombies and the remnant

Cinderella and Snow White had one (or three things in common) - Fantasies, Happy Ever Afters and my love for them. Where I draw the line with fantasies is in simulating novel objects of mass destruction and horror. I never really understood those horror movies where the protagonist willfully steps into a haunted house. Or… Continue reading Zombies and the remnant

Faith, ruminations

Questions and Puzzles

Have you ever felt so right, yet so wrong.Like you keep giving your all to something, yet get nothing? Stay with me, it's just the beginning.You pray so long for answers that seem never to come.Your neighbors snare. Your friends wonder if you truly serve God.In their words, ‘It can't be that muchA big deal… Continue reading Questions and Puzzles

BabyGirl, Experientia

Goodness and Mercy

This would probably be the shortest post you'd read on this blog and it's an actual conversation with Abba. Earlier this week, I got tired of being tired, so I laid it down at God's feet - my safe place. He doesn't like to see my cry, so He sent me words. The entire Psalms… Continue reading Goodness and Mercy