
Zombies and the remnant

Cinderella and Snow White had one (or three things in common) – Fantasies, Happy Ever Afters and my love for them. Where I draw the line with fantasies is in simulating novel objects of mass destruction and horror. I never really understood those horror movies where the protagonist willfully steps into a haunted house. Or approaches a creepy sound and eerie darkness in the name of adventure. But while this is entertaining for some, these movie plots leave my heart racing, my head calculating and my hands glued to the ‘forward/skip’ button. But you can’t always skip, not when it’s not a movie.


My skin crawled as I watched in horror, the gory sight below. Was I suspended in the air or falling into the impending doom as the crowd below? Millions and millions of people with rotting flesh and unintelligible groans were shuffling in the same direction; to the edge of a cliff and no, they weren’t thinking before falling off it. They were ZOMBIES. Nobody was stopping them or maybe someone had tried. But again, what do you say to the walking dead? How do you speak sense to a mindless flesh? Yet, I was sure this was wrong. They weren’t just falling to eternal damnation, it was irreconciliable that they would never be redeemed. I wanted to make them stop but how?

Then I realized I wasn’t alone. A presence so undeniable yet invisible was with me and like you would a car, he was steering me towards a cave. I could feel the ground beneath me now, walking stealthily in the opposite direction from the mobs of zombies. We got to the mouth of a cave where a few humans stepped out, heading towards the mob. The moment they left the shadow of the cave, they became like the mob. I wanted to get to safety more than I wanted to understand the change. My guide must have felt my anxiety as I felt his release to go through the cave’s keyhole. This was a different world.

I stood motionless, taking in the scenery laid before me. It was nothing like the typical cave; a dreary place with darkness so thick you could only see a few feet in front. In fact, this was the brightest space I had ever been. Without the sun, the golden rays of light were so intense, the slightest shadows did not stand a chance. The air was so light, it was easy to forget you were breathing. As I looked to the far distance, I saw pockets of people. Some resting, some reading, some others dancing…whatever they were doing definitely brought them satisfaction. The tranquility in the atmosphere was surreal.

Now my heart burnt with questions and on cue, my guide drove me deeper still into the cave. The stalactites in this part were golden chandeliers. The stalagmites like cushioned royal stools as the people sat comfortably and unbothered.

Then I saw him in all the beauty I’d memorized from the world I was familiar with. Although dressed differently, his slitted eyes, crooked teeth and perfectly chiseled mustache were all engrained in my consciousness. This was my first love, surrounded by the finest children and oblivious to my presence. If I’d successfully hidden my triggers, I couldn’t do that anymore.

This was the point where I needed answers. Who are these? Why are they here? Why are they so different? Thankfully, my guide hadn’t left and he must have satisfactorily riled me up with the views. It was time to speak up sir. Or ma.

They are the remnants,” he said. Referring to those in the cave. Although, I couldn’t see him, his words were as though his lips were to my ears. “They are prepared to go out and salvage those lost and wandering.

My heart was slightly at ease seeing that there was provision to save some of those falling off the cliff. But there was no sense of urgency with these guys in the cave and everyone was doing their thing. Time should be of essence here and it was. Except, time wasn’t calculated in this realm as it was in mine.

These ones are built and commissioned to be released at different seasons and in different places. He is one of them.” Without doubt, he was speaking of my first love who was still deeply invested with the children. I felt my heart swell with joy and sadness simultaneously.

“Many of them will tire out of waiting. Many of them already fill encumbered by their preparatory tasks. See those we met leaving the cave and becoming like the zombies? They hastened out before time. Some thought they were alone. Others thought it was time for independence having been equipped and so they conformed.” If his voice shook at this point, I wasn’t sure but it seemed like we shared a load of heaviness as he spoke. “How do they feel alone with many others like them here? Can’t they see each other and maybe fellowship together?” I asked confused.

“Sometimes, they do and other times they despair. The promise seems to tarry for too long and they grow weary in heart…Imagine how trapped Moses must have felt as an Egyptian and then a shepherd even though I had ordained him a saviour. Even Elijah thought he was alone when I had preserved seven thousand others who had not bowed. And there Jesus was prepared for thirty years for a three year ministry. Paul gained all that academic and career prowess…for my use.

…aaaaachhhiiiiiiuuuu! My first love sneezed interrupting my guide who in turn restrained me from comforting him. “Why would you let any of the remnant catch a flu?”, I asked with a bit of sarcasm. He laughed. The rumbling sound causing my ears to itch. “My grace is sufficient. The remnants are flesh just like you. They are in the world, even though they’re not of it. I promise peace and give the gift of faith through their many trials. In their weaknesses, my strength is made known.

Aha, I see how Elijah must have felt lonely and vulnerable been pursued by a woman. So lonely he cried for death.

“How are the remnants supposed to stand in the face of a hostile generation? Have you seen the wickedness out there? The sons of the world are interning with Satan! And how long will these ones be prepared for?” I could hear the desperation in my voice. Willing that the so called remnant be roused and sent out as soon as possible.

“I’ve given them everything they need, my dear one, and it’s beyond theology (head knowledge of me).” He retorted. I had questions but he didn’t seem to give me an audience before he went on speaking. “I call them to die to self and receive the fullness of life in me. I take away that which is familiar and comfortable. Yet I am neither in the wind, nor the earthquake; Neither in the fire, nor in the dramatic manifestations. I make them independent of their might or power, and it will only be by my Spirit.”

“To what end, Lord?”… To the end where they build conviction and have my laws engraved on their heart. Only then will they not fail. According to TIME, men run out. My standard will not change and I will not suffer this generation what I did the others. Generations of Patriarchs and Matriarchs prayed for the preservations and fullness of my manifestation in this time. I have opened the gateways to knowledge and truth, that generations before now long for. I have allowed several unique manifestation of my spirit, yet a generation falls short of the bar unraised but met by men who had not obtained the promise.”

Do you not see as my creation falls into eternal damnation. Do you not feel the darkness so gross, you can grasp. Do you not see the lights flicker and the city on a hill sliding off the slopes. Do your ears not twitch as the same word which is truth are read from deceitful lips. Do your knees not quiver on behalf of the generation yet to come. Do your hands not tremble for a generation too much in a haste to wait. Egypt, Sodom, Gomorrah and Babylon are in awe!”

He was angry. The golden lights shined brighter but as of fire. I dare not speak. What was I to say in defense of my generation? My eyes strayed to two remnants heading towards the entrance of the cave. Was it time for their assignment?

My eyes run to and fro the whole earth to show myself strong on behalf of those who are fully committed to me. To see those who’d stand in gap on their knees that I may hold off my wrath. Not sacrifices who roll off the altar before they are touched by fire. But men like the apostles who have looked death in the face time and again for my sake.” I could feel him stare into my soul as I heard him say these words. It was like grinding stone on my heart but he was not done…

“There are remnants, my dear one. Those who war with the prophecies received. Those who prepare themselves for the place I am preparing them for. Do not assume you’re alone. There are those who are faithful in the quietness of the season they’re in, building conviction from every exercise of their faith. In due season. In due time. Come with me.”

I took one last look at my first love as that setting fell away and a new one emerged in it’s place. Again, this was different.


Love and Light

7 thoughts on “Zombies and the remnant”

  1. I journeyed while reading this, it really spoke to my soul too. Thank you for yielding and for sharing. God bless you❤️


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